October 2006.

After Chainsaw and the crew left we painted the deck boards to keep them from soaking up too much water. We got a heavy coat on just in time for an October shower. If I remember correctly, there was a ton of rain that month.

Next the plumbers got to work. D & Gary dug up the basement floor and put in all the pipe. Gary's plumbing expertise helped us to pass the inspection with flying colors.

Now that the floor inside was leveled out after the inspection, we covered any exposed wood with tyvek on the outside. Later, D & I added 2 large tarps over the top of the foundation as an extra layer of water protection. Our baby was all tucked in for the cold winter months ahead.
Now all we could do was cross our fingers and wait for spring.
Please don't crack cement! Please Mr. Winter, be mild!!
(view of hill from old barn)
landbridge on left, foundation on right
Fall is our very favorite time on Twin Buck Hill.
It will be yours too!