Friday, August 24, 2007


August 1 - August 10, 2007.

Before the crew came back from their break D ran up for the window delivery. They are so cool and will look great with the logs.

They drilled - no oil but lots of water.

(entry in progress)

(front deck progress)

It was another full 10 days - bags on at 8:00 and work until beer-thirty, most times for us much later. D spent his time juggling between fulfilling his deck building promise and acting as general contractor (keeping lumber and supplies on hand) with moments of electrical work sprinkled in between. Juggling all those things makes for very slow progress on everything. At times it was very frustrating. Especially when guessing at the overhang's lighting placement and taking most of the day putting them up only to spend the next day reinstalling them in the correct spots...F..U..N!

(first installation)

(correct locations)

Heave-ho with the osb.

The guys muscling up the overhangs.

Good catch from Traverse Bay.

More pictures from week two here.