Charlie and the crew were off like gangbusters. In order to keep the job site moving their work week is actually 10 days in a row working 10 hours a day and six guys make it a double crew. They sleep on site then break for a long weekend, come back and start again. Real troopers!
We have friends in high places...Ann and the rest of the crew (pic above) from Carhartt paid a visit to the job site. They observed, took notes and questioned the guys about work wear product. Oh yeah, and they brought some great swag. Thank you so much Carhartt gang for making the trip! We are looking forward to seeing Carhartt chaps in the near future!
Our job was to build the outside decks. Did I mention we've never built a deck...ever? Let me tell you it was a rollercoaster of emotional highs and lows. Charlie's eagle eyes were never far away and his wealth of knowledge and experience was our guide. He did his best to keep us from messing up but we did anyway. I won't tell you the details because you can't see the fubar but it's there and D & I will always know it. Of course Charlie had a solution so we trudged on and worked our hardest to keep up with the crew. The front deck tied in with the roof so we needed it done pronto. You gotta love a working vacation!
Our reinforcements arrived after a few panicked calls for help.
We couldn't have built the deck without them.
Thank god for great family!

Did you know that each log is handled about 22 times before it is finally set into the cabin wall?
(second floor)

Even after all the long, hot days of hard work - sometimes not eating dinner until dark - it was very hard to leave. That morning, the beam was set and Charlie and the crew began installing the roof trusses and it looked like a totally different cabin. But it was back to the city for D & I. The above pic it what we saw in our rear view windows.
To see the entire first week of picture click here.