Before it was the family farm it had been owned by loggers. Some family say it was even haunted by the previous owner who the road is named after. He used to play with the lights in the attic. D and I thankfully never experienced any of his trickery.

For years we enjoyed the home and the land, escaping the city and visiting all year round. We even got married at an Inn in the area in 1999 and stayed at the farm for our honeymoon.
Then an odd utility bill came in the mail which prompted D to send a neighbor in to investigate. An emergency trip in February was required. The water supply tube had burst under the sink and had been leaking for weeks. Over 3 inches of water was standing in the basement and the combination of that with the heat created mold everywhere. The floors had swelled and buckled, the doors and windows were impossible and all the furnishings were wet and moldy. The place was in ruins.
We had no idea what we were going to do.