Hot damn!

We picked the hottest weekend of the summer to start clearing trees for our site. 98 degrees. D wielded his chainsaw like a mad man.

We would occasionally peel off our sweaty work clothes, get into our swim suits and jump into the dog pool...

...when they would let us.
Once the large trees were cut and dragged out of the way we roughly staked out the angle for the cabin. We'd visited the site during all seasons so we knew where the sun would be year round and took that into consideration.

The driveway was a feat in itself and Rob was the right guy for the job. We needed to bridge a small valley in order to get to the site from the road. With his experience and small fleet of equipment, he designed a beautiful, curving landbridge and driveway. It was not only functional but complimentary to the surrounding landscape. He's truly an artist with a bulldozer.
(view of site from road)

He started with one tree...

A storm topped off our exhausting weekend. We caught up to it in West Branch and drove with it almost all the way home. The lightening was frightening. It struck so close to the truck that you could see it brake up and dissipate. I'd never been so scared travelling on the road. D's expert driving skills delievered us safely back to the city.

We would live to work another day on Twin Buck Hill.