October 2004.
I didn't know we needed an barn until D told me...over and over and over again. You know, for the tractor we didn't have.
So a kit was ordered for a 36x48 steel barn with metal siding in red. The delivery was set for a Tuesday, the rest of the week was set aside for the build, family and friends arrived to help and the weather couldn't have been more beautiful. Everything was perfect. Except...
...delivery was delayed - the barn pieces didn't show up until Saturday. Machinery for lifting didn't show due to schedule change. What next? The weather turned, bad....Michigan bad (very, very cold, wet and windy). Try staying on a slick metal roof with numb hands while the wind whips panels up in your face.

It still got done. Working well into dark, until all bones ached. The 300 pound side columns were manually hoisted into place with ropes and scaffolding helped with the high stuff. I'm still amazed that we built it. We couldn't have done any of it without all the help (thank you - you know who you are). The whole experience is a blur of Advil, space heaters and blackberry brandy.

Summer 2005.
Every barn needs a bathroom, right? We retired the shovel and toilet paper routine the following summer. D did all the framing and plumbing. Family was lured up to try their hand at drywall and electrical wiring. It will really come in handy when we start the cabin. Nothing beats a warm (or cold) shower after a hard days work.

One thing we sorta forgot...

...an over hang. I guess we'll need to do something about that!
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