Rain, rain, go away!
October's objective was to stain, stain, stain. But just because you schedule a vacation to get it done doesn't guarantee that the weather will cooperate. Remember how wet last October was? Well, this year seemed to be following the same pattern. UGH! Soooo the first week was scratched and I rescheduled my time off for the next week. And what did the forecast say for that week? You guessed it, more cold and rain. D and I were never going to get it done at this rate.
We used our time wisely though. With Jim D up to 'referee' we managed to get all the lights placed and ready for wiring. Who knew that lighting placement could make you want to KO your significant other? Then in an amazing two and a half days, D & the newly appointed Grandpa Dave just about wired the entire house. While a lot was getting done inside, the outside was always still in the back of our minds....
...so we called in the cavalry.